Soap stone Anantashayana Vishnu 8 inch B12

SKU: 00150

37,000.00 inc. GST

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    Anantashayana Vishnu, the name comes from “ananta”, which means without end which depicts the thousand headed snake over which lord Vishnu is reclining. The Snake Adisehsa who is the coiled Cosmic energy in the Solar Plexus, in the The Ksheera Saagara which is a representation of the Milky way Galaxy. Beneath him sits his wife goddess Lakshmi massaging his leg. His sleep is called Yoga Nidra (Sleeping posture in Yoga or being aware while sleeping. From his navel emerges Brahma, the creator God, seated on a lotus. His weapons, including the mace and the conch shell, lie relaxed in his hands.

    This statuette clearly indicates the grandness of lord Vishnu. So bring home this statue to experience the peace.

    Additional information

    Weight10 kg
    Height: 8in    Width: 12in    Length: 3in
    Stone Type


    Use for Home decor, Puja or gifting purpose.

    Statue Care

    Simply dust the statue with a small cotton hand broom periodically to keep any dirt from accumulating.

    Statue Height

    6-8 inch, 9-12 inch