Soap Stone Murali Krishna Sculpture 8 inch B30

SKU: 00165

12,000.00 inc. GST

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    Suka-vag-amrtabdhindur govindo govidam patih

    What it means

    Krishna’s attractiveness was like the moon rising out of an ocean of nectar. Being the master of the cowherd residents of Vrajabhumi, he protected them and the calves by destroying the demon Dhenuka who tormented them.

    Krishna was also called Kanha, Nila-mani, Vasudeva, etc. He was one of the incarnations of the supreme lord, Vishnu who was one of the trinity. His charm can captivate you and leave you enchanted. The beautifully carved statuette absolutely justifies the beauty of the supremely loved deity. This reminds us of the scenario of Vrindavan when Krishna used to take out his cattle for grazing near Yamuna river and would play his flute to impress the cowgirls of the city. So experience the supremacy and miracle of the lord by bringing home this amazing statuette.

    Additional information

    Weight8 kg
    Height: 8in    Width: 4in    Length: 2in
    Stone Type


    You can use this statue for decoration, puja or gifting purpose.

    Statue Care

    Simply dust the statue with a small cotton hand broom periodically to keep any dirt from accumulating.

    Statue Height

    6-8 inch